Example: External database tasks

About the procedure

If you are using an external database, you must install the database before installing the Axway products.

Additionally, you must perform the external database pre-installation tasks as described in the Axway 5 Suite Installation and Prerequisites Guide.

The following procedure provides an example of how to define the database structure for Axway Sentinel and Axway Composer in an Oracle database.


In this procedure you create two schemas, one for Composer and one for Sentinel. In this example, the schema ID (SID) is TIAMAT and the username/password is sentinel. Remember that the username and password are case sensitive.

  1. Open a DOSBox or command line interface.
  2. Enter the command:

    sqlplus /nolog

    connect /as sysdba

  4. Execute the following commands to define the database structure for Composer and Sentinel:
  5. create tablespace SNTL_DATA_WORK

    datafile 'c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Sent_DATA.dbf' SIZE 400M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create tablespace SNTL_DICO_WORK

    datafile 'c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Sent_DICO.dbf' SIZE 100M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create tablespace SNTL_INDEX_WORK

    datafile 'c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Sent_INDEX.dbf' SIZE 300M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create user sentinel identified by sentinel

    default tablespace SNTL_DATA_WORK

    temporary tablespace TEMP;


    grant connect, resource, alter session, create database link, create synonym, create view to sentinel;


    create tablespace XD_DATA_WORK

    datafile ''c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Comp_DATA.dbf' SIZE 512M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create tablespace XD_INDEX_WORK

    datafile ''c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Comp_INDEX.dbf' SIZE 128M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create tablespace XD_LOB_WORK

    datafile ''c:\app\Administrator\oradata\tiamat\Comp_LOB.dbf' SIZE 128M

    extent management local

    uniform size 512K NOLOGGING;


    create user composer identified by composer

    default tablespace XD_DATA_WORK

    temporary tablespace TEMP;


    grant connect, resource, alter session, create database link, create synonym, create view to composer;

After you create the schema

During Axway product installation, use the database values that you defined in the database schema setup.

Related topics

General implementation procedure